
This section covers documentation for specific projects supported by Deployer.


TACC’s integrated JupyterHub project extends the community supported JupyterHub with customizations that enable deeper integration and ease of use of TACC resources from directly within running notebook servers.

The main features provided by the TACC JupyterHub are:

  • Individual Jupyterhub instance for each project with customized notebook server image based on the research interests of the community.
  • Dedicated notebook server running in a Docker container for each user.
  • Persistent storage volumes backed by large-scale storage at TACC and mounted directly to the “permanent” directory within each notebook container.
  • Additional volume mounts, customizable through configuration, to provide POSIX interfaces to additional file collections stored on TACC systems.
  • Integrated authentication with the TACC OAuth server or another tenant OAuth server.
  • TACC CLI, agavepy, and other libraries pre-installed in the user’s notebook server for integrating with other TACC Cloud services.

The CIC group at TACC maintains the core TACC JupyterHub code and automated deployment management in Deployer. The notebook server images are developed by a number of individuals across multiple groups at TACC as well as through contributions by external partners.

Primary Server Requirements and Options

The TACC JupyterHub uses Docker Swarm 1.11 to deploy notebook servers as Docker containers on a cluster. It requires a minimum of two servers meeting the following requirements:

  • One server with the hub role. This server will run the main JupyterHub application and therefore will require ports 80 and 443 open to the public internet.
  • One or more servers with the worker role. These servers will run the user notebook containers.
  • Ports must be opened between manager and workers to enable communication. For each server, the optional private_ip attribute may be specified. If is it, communication will happen on this IP. Otherwise, it will happen on ssh_host. If firewalld and/or iptables are running on the hosts, make sure that both the local IP and the subnets (the Docker0 bridge) are opened.

In addition to a Docker 1.11 Swarm cluster, an NFS management cluster will be constructed from the hub node (nfs server) to all worker nodes (nfs clients). This NFS management cluster is required as it is used to persist login data from the hub to the workers.

Primary Configuration Requirements and Options

The following configuration properties are required.

  • tenant - The tenant id this JupyterHub belongs to. Determines the OAuth server to use.
  • jupyterhub_tenant_base_url - The base URL for the OAuth server. Note: this property is only required if not using a standard TACC tenant; for standard TACC tenants, Deployer will automatically derive the base URL.
  • jupyterhub_host - The domain to serve JupyterHub on (without the protocol); e.g. “”.
  • jupyterhub_oauth_client_id - The ID for the OAuth client that JupyterHub will use to authenticate users. The JupyterHub requires a valid OAuth client for the tenant being used, and this OAuth client must be registered with the required callbackUrl for the hub, which has the form https://<jupyterhub_host>/hub/oauth_callback. See Additional Considerations below for more details.
  • jupyterhub_oauth_client_secret - The corresponding client secret for the OAuth client. Note: it is recommended that the jupyterhub_oauth_client_secret be stored in a .passwords file.

The following configuration properties are optional, though some are strongly encouraged; see below.

  • jupyterhub_cert and jupyterhub_key - As strings, the contents of an SSL certificate and key for the domain specified in jupyterhub_host. If these attributes are not specified, self-signed certificates will be supplied. This will result in insecure warnings in the browser for users.
  • volume_mounts - A list of directories to mount into every user notebook container. Each mount should be a string in the format <host_path>:<container_path>:<mode> where host_path and container_path are absolute paths and mode is one of ro (read only), or rw (read-write). Also, the paths variables recognize the following template variables:

    • {username} - the username of the logged in user.
    • {tenant_id} - the tenant id for the JupyterHub.
    • {tas_homeDirectory} - the home directory for the logged in user in TAS (TACC Accounting System). This template variable can only be used in tenants using the TACC identity provider (see Integrating with StockYard below).
  • jupyterhub_image - Docker image to use for central JupyterHub program. Will default to deploying the latest stable version. Image must be available on the public Docker Hub.

  • jupyter_user_image - Docker image to use for user notebook servers. If not specified, the latest stable version of taccsciapps/jupyteruser-base will be used.

  • jupyteruser_uid and jupyteruser_gid - The uid and gid to run the user notebook servers as; if not specified, the uid and gid created in the Docker image specified by jupyterhub_image will be used unless integration with TAS is enabled (see Integrating with TAS below).

Additional Considerations

We highlight some additional considerations regarding JupyterHub configuration.

  • While volume_mounts is technically optional, at least one mount is needed to provide persistent user data; we generally recommend mounting a user directory on the host (e.g. /path/to/nfs/share/{username} to a path such as /home/juupyter/my_data inside the container.
  • Every host_path in the volume_mounts parameter must exist on all worker nodes (for example, via an NFS share) or container execution will fail. Unless using the NFS management cluster, Deployer assumes these directories have been created already.
  • For security purposes, ensure that the oauth_client_secret is in the .passwords file
  • To generate an OAuth client key and secret for your JupyterHub instance, use a command like the following:
$ curl -u <service_account>:<service_account_password> \
-d "clientName=<you_pick>&callbackUrl=https://<jupyterhub_host>/hub/oauth_callback" \

Integrating with TAS

If the tenant being used for JupyterHub leverages the TACC identity provider (i.e., then JupyterHub can integrate with TAS (the TACC Accounting System) to enable individual notebook servers to run as the uid and gid of the logged in user. This feature provides the advantages of “vertical single sign-on”. i.e., files created and/or updated by the user in the notebook server will have the correct ownership properties. Integrating with TAS is required for integrating with Stockyard, TACC’s gloabl file system. (see Integrating with Stockyard below).

Integrating with TAS also requires the following configurations:

  • use_tas_uid and use_tas_gid - Setting to true instructs JupyterHub to launch the user’s notebook with the uid and gid for the user in TAS.
  • tas_role_account and tas_role_pass - an account and password in TAS for Jupyterhub to use to make TAS API calls.

Integrating with StockYard

JupyterHub instances can integrate with TACC’s global file system, Stockyard, if TAS integration has been enabled. This option is only available to approved JupyterHub instances deployed within the secured TACC network.

In order to provide file system mounts from Stockyard into user notebook servers, a Lustre mount to Stockyard must be made on all worker nodes.

Once the Lustre mounts have been created on the worker nodes, the only configuration required is to add notebook container mounts to Stockyard using the volume_mounts parameter. For example, if Stockyard is mounted at /work on all worker nodes, creating a mount with the following config


would mount the user’s $WORK directory at /home/jupyter/tacc-work in read-write mode within the container.

Support for Project Mounts (DesignSafe)

As an example of custom functionality that be can be added for specific JupyterHub instances, we describe the support for project mounts in the DesignSafe tenant.

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